Free Dog Run

I have been so busy. Busy with my job and with my Poodles! I usually take them to the river side grounds or other nice places for exercise, but sometimes it is hard for me to find enough time to go out in between my busy works.

One day, I recalled that a roof of my office building was free to access. I took them there and found that it is a real nice place. The place is not so wide but is good enough to toss toys or balls, and good for doing obedience lessons. There's no disturbance because nobody else comes up and I can play with them off leash safely. It is cool even in summer afternoon too. At around 3:30 or 4:00, we all go up to the roof to play for a while. Sometimes we stay there over an hour, throwing all my work away. It's just fun!!

However, there are drawbacks too.
The roof surface is hard and a bit slippery so I really can't let them run hard nor let them jump. Another drawback is that we have to walk up stairs to get to the roof. We have no elevator. Leanne is OK, but it is getting hard for Nanako to go up and down stairs, especially when it is dark.

When playing at the river side ground, I need to attach a long line to Leanne. Now I am enjoying teaching her obedience lessons and tricks. She is really smart and learns many things so quickly. . However, still she is not much reliable outside. Especially when there are other dogs, she gets nuts.
She gets totally crazy when she sees cats. I don't believe she can come back to me once she starts chasing them.

When we are at the ground, we play real hard. I also run with Leanne and this is why I have lost my weight since she came to me. I remember Nanako used to play hard too. Now I am very careful when I let Nanako play. She forgets her age and gets overworked. Especially when she is with Leanne, she seems to have built up a strong sense of rivalry against young one.

These photos are captured from video.
Leanne is very active and she loves running around.
The photo on the left is captured from another video.

This was taken at the JKC's biggest show in Spring and this photo shows how hyper Leanne is.
She hops for joy after winning a class. She's crazy sometimes even at shows like this.
At the Poodle Specialty in summer, she jumped on a judge too! I was so upset but Leanne really seemed to love the judge and to my surprise, he gave us a Winner's Bitch. What a show!

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